Monday, July 13, 2015

EMAIL: False report - Addendum to Formal Complaint of Serious Misconduct - BPD case no. REDACTED

July 13th 2015
Captain Hershey


RE: Felony assault by strangulation BPD case no. REDACTED

Captain Hershey,

No. You are 100% incorrect and even you even begin with the same narrative about me "running" up the street Officer Peacey wants to put forth through Officer Wyche

The false reporting only continues from there.

Why did Officer Peacey threaten to arrest me for breaking the 2-party consent law (her reason for not reviewing the video and encouraging other officers at the scene not to view it)?

You are saying the video is evidence. 

Clearly then, Officer Peacey made a serious error - one that has allowed this attempted malicious prosecution.

Why is the video described incorrectly when any person can see the report does not match the video?

If I was clearly in the wrong, why does the assailant not want to pursue the case?

 I can tell you why -- because they are caught in a lie and trying to find a way out, since May 19th. 

Your office is facilitating this by not even doing the most basic due diligence in investigating.

 The suspects are limiting their liability, might I add far better than your department is doing.

My right to due process is being violated, and this unequal protection under the law is not going to be accepted.

Your Officers accused me of a crime that could ruin my education, as I am pursuing a certification program that requires background checks.

You can blame me all you want, but I didn't break the law here, and I will be exonerated completely.

Your department has treated me like a criminal from the first moment of interaction.

I hope you realize the extent of the damage your department's dishonesty is doing, and that by continuing to support a false narrative you are now actively participating in the pattern of misconduct.

Please add this e-mail chain to my formal complaint of serious misconduct Detective Jensen sent to the Office of Professional Standards earlier this month, and respond that you have done so.

Thank you for your time.


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