Monday, July 20, 2015

EMAIL: BPD case No. REDACTED - Request to file felony assault charges and notice of intent to file claim for damages for misconduct

July 20th 2015

Bellevue Police Department, Office of Professional Standards, c/o LT. Ingram
Jeff Torrey, Bellevue City Attorney
Dan Satterberg, King County Prosecutor

cc: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>


I have given your offices enough time to realize your mistakes. There is no more time.

The allegedly unredacted report is here:
The video is here:

1.) The audio of the video is part of what proves me innocent. I believe this audio has been removed or not audible on the evidence copy. The audio when combined with the video proves every part of the signed statements from the assailants to be fabrications.

2.) This is not a juvenile suspect, 17 years old, as Jaspreet claimed. B. Bhamber is 19 years old, born 1-15-1996. The juvenile division of the King County prosecutors office no longer need be concerned with this case. I apologize for believing Jaspreet Bhamber ... the fact is, early in the pages of the report, this person DOB was omitted indicting to me he was indeed a minor. On his sworn statement he writes his own date of birth!

3.) Officer Peacey incorrectly describes the encounter in her narrative.

4.) Officer White says he did not edit or change the video in evidence, proving your office has the full video with audio.

I had refused to read the witness statements from the two brothers, knowing they would be lies. Now, today, I read them and find out they are claiming I am a racist, knocked this guys turban off, came up shouting the "F" word (which, by the way, these guys do ALL THE TIME), and started a fight for no reason...

 I am beyond outraged. 

The suspect continued his behavior even after I made a harassment report on Friday May 22nd. B. 

Bhamber clearly is a liar and intended all along to get away with his crime.

 I bet he can't believe you bought it!

Both Bhamber brothers claim I should be prosecuted, and now they don't' want to press charges against someone they claim is a drunken, racist attacking their indian culture....? 

Maybe its because I don't like any music played at apocalyptic levels with bass shaking my brain while I try to study for school! I have this on video WITH AUDIO as well.

These slanderous lies are now libel and part of the public record, while my hand written statement is NOT included in the report!

I've never said anything other than the truth, verified at any time, and your office has treated me like a criminal.

I am in extreme emotional distress over this, I cannot sleep, and now I wonder if I can even continue my phlebotomy training because my hands are shaking so hard.

I am contacting an attorney and I will be seeking advice on how to proceed in a civil case against the City of Bellevue police department for their misconduct and conspiracy to deny me due process.

The city may expect a claim for damages to be imminent.

You will arrest this suspect, now. You will charge him with felony assault, and the assault on my brother, now. 

There will be no more lies, no more delays, no more administrative obstruction. Do your job. NOW.

B. Bhamber is to be charged with the following:
2nd degree assault
4th degree assault, 3 counts, for hitting my camera hand twice and pushing my brother
Obstruction of justice
Disorderly Conduct

Jaspreet Bhamber, the following:
Disorderly conduct
obstruction of justice

I am furious you tried to prosecute me for disorderly and harassment because you find me rude. 

I find people breaking the law rude, does that mean I can strangle them? This whole process is a farce.

Officially, without patience, yet still with respect despite your departments continued egregious violations,

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