Monday, August 24, 2015

EMAIL: Bellevue PD Case no. REDACTED - Evidence of Police Misconduct - Link to Master Evidence File - 186 pages

Apologies to Mr. Satterberg on behalf of the police, for inviting him so
late to the party. Perhaps you can explain this to him, Chief Mylett?


To whom it may concern, anywhere, but especially officials who swore an
oath, -- and risk management, if they ever check their e-mail!

I have compiled a preliminary document containing all case evidence that
supports my allegations of misconduct.

PDF Size 37 MB (39,063,346 bytes)

as always, video of the assault is

Guess what, you think this 186 pages is something, thats just the source
material for my complaint. I have been teaching myself tort law, and I am
confident I can prove the special relationship exemption to the public duty
doctrine existed, not to mention the numerous torts for intentional,
reckless, and/or negligent actions..... You will see it when I file next
week. It is very hard for me to work on but it is all I have to live for. I
will complete it. Defamation, conspiracy, IIED, NIED, assault....I am owed
damages for my daily and severe emotional distress and economic damages from
all the anger, anxiety, exacerbated depression, confusion, feelings of
degredation, lost wages, and payment for foreseeable medical treatments, to
mention a few things... in a preponderance of evidence, I will eviscerate
all defense claims, even if representing myself pro se and heavily
medicated. But for the actions of your officers and command staff, and city
attorney torrey, I would be able to become whole.

I have become so very depressed at how obviously wrong the police have act
in our city, not to mention. Jeff Torrey could have looked for one second at
the case, but no. He assured me the review process was working as intended
to get me off the phone, and then never looked into the facts which I laid
out in front of him.

This evidence has been ignored by the investigating officers and my
complaint dead ended maliciously by Captain Jim Hershey.

These officers clearly manufactured probable cause by fabricating evidence
and using biased policing in creating a false report.... but maybe Joliffe
can give me more lip about how my complaint involving corrupt officers used
the wrong phrase, and since they weren't successful in facilitating a
malicious prosecution, that means no policy violations.

Forget that the assailant never once used his clear chance(s) to avoid the
fight, and assumed all risk with his reckless behavior... why did your
officers say he told me to stop filming? even the suspect doesn't say that
... I mean, amatuer stuff guys.. and I know Peacey orchestrated it all...
why the hell did she bring this brother of the assailant down to aggravate
me, then claim my aggravation meant there was probable cause... I mean, who
on earth antagonizes someone and then blames them for being upset??? Did I
hit anyone instead of talking first? NO.

Being rude is not a crime. Attacking someone and claiming self defense is. A
false statement is perjury when written on that form, and foreseeably
defamatory and damaging.

Not knowing the law is a violation of policy, by the way, Joliffe...
Unbiased policing -
Standard of Conduct -
Compromising a criminal case -
Courtesy -
False information -
Knowledge of Laws -
Obedience to Laws -
Reporting violations of Laws -

Denied due process and discriminated against because I am a
adversarial complaint process... Intentional, reckless, and negligent
actors.... actions of subordinates mirror that of supervisors -- uncaring,
presumptive, unprofessional, and either incompetent or corrupt....too
cowardly to stand up to the culture of biased policing of the Bellevue

I wonder what else goes on .... I mean, there is a lot of old white males
in your command staff.. maybe thats why Peacey doesnt like me? lookin good fellas! I miss chief

This whole incident has ruined my life and I hope you all are happy with
yourselves. Four minutes. That's all you needed the day of the crime.

Please charge my ADULT assailant with felony assault by strangulation for
choking me in the street outside my own house in the middle of the day.

Is there a special way to ask? Is there something I'm not understanding
about the consequences of officers making up statements and framing a
narrative to manufacture probable cause? Is that normal, so just ignore it?
No big deal?

Here are some quotes from your all star police staff!

"When I viewed the video and read your statement, I see why the officers
made that request." "In my mind, it appears that you were the primary
aggressor, so I clearly understand why the officers did what they did." -
Captain Jim Hershey, Bellevue Police Department, July 13th 2015
------------------------QUOTES FROM BPD--------------------------------
" ... Captain Hershey is not assigned to the OPS ...""Should you have
further questions please contact Captain Hershey." "The Office of
Professional Standards is staffed with a Police Captain and a Police
Lieutenant who report directly to the Chief of Police. There is no
civilian oversight ..." "Your point of contact for this complaint is Captain
Hershey. I believe you already possess his contact information." - Chief
Steve Mylett, July 16th 2015
------------------------QUOTES FROM BPD--------------------------------
"He's not going to like what I have to say" - Lt. McElyea, Bellevue Police
Department, Patrol Officer Supervisor May 21st 2015
------------------------QUOTES FROM BPD--------------------------------
"Shut up! I'm done with you!" "I'm the most senior officer here!" "...I
thought you said the choke wasn't dangerous" - Officer R. Peacey, Bellevue
Police Department May 19th 2015
------------------------QUOTES FROM BPD--------------------------------
"There's a time to talk and a time to listen" - Officer White, May 19th 2015
------------------------QUOTES FROM BPD--------------------------------
"After reviewing the video and the facts of the case, I have determined that
[filming party] will be charged with disorderly conduct and harassment" -
Officer' C. Wyche, Bellevue Police Department, May 19th 2015

Regards from 3AM,
Your favorite whipping boy,

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