Saturday, September 12, 2015

EMAIL: Your deceit and corruption will be exposed.

----- Original Message -----
From: CD
Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2015 4:19 PM
Subject: Your deceit and corruption will be exposed.

Hello you incompetent pieces of trash,

I just received the September 9th Risk Management dismissal of my complaint I submitted on September 4th.

I turn in hundreds of pages of evidence -- you give it one day after the holiday, then you dismiss it. Wow, you even pretended to spend a whole DAY on it!

You know how I know you didn't look, yet again? Its funny really and I'll tell you... the very fact you say the claim has no merit proves you didn't look.

Its that obvious to any person.

Shame on you for trying to bluff me again.

The officers committed perjury. The suspects committed perjury. No one is listening to me. No one is addressing my specific complaints. I am not a liar.

Procedural due process was and is being denied. I clearly explained the law and doctrines and gave examples. 

You address none of this.

The ordinance states you must give copies over to the City Attorney "immediately"... you're telling me a lawyer read my complaint and didn't see what was in front of them?

That's not my fault, that is your incompetence or collusion.

You call me a liar to my face again, and don't even have the guts to sign the letter with a name?

Who wrote that piece of garbage, anyway? What must their reality be like, where truth is lies?

The letter states the police "preformed and investigation (sic)"... wow, great work even proofreading your letter once... that really helps me believe you thoroughly looked at the evidence.

You regurgitate DC Joliffes letter, the same blanket dismissal..... without addressing the obvious LIES told by the officers and suspects. 

Perjury is a felony. 

Ofc. Robin J. Peacey and Ofc. Christopher Wyche are felons. 

You give them the power to fuck with peoples freedom and civil rights, knowing they are liars.

Where are the body cameras to protect the citizens??? 

Thats really why you don't want them, isnt it? It's all been fun and games for police until now, a little discretionary law breaking here and there, no ones the wiser... hell, even video evidence gets dismissed if the officers lie well enough. 

Why become a police officer if you can't break the law now and then?

You know what? If I committed a crime, come arrest me -- do not harass me or intimidate me with these repeated false claims of my guilt on the public record.

Give me an impartial procedural hearing as I am due! None of you are lawyers and the one that is clams up so tight he won't even e-mail. (Torrey you jerk).

Otherwise, this is textbook defamation -- BASELESS claims which you know are not true now on the public record.

You said the video is clear evidence I'm a liar. Use it. You can't because I am telling the truth. You don't scare me, but you hurt me.

I was the victim of a felony assault... then a rogue cop with a gun yells at me to shut up, in front of my own mother. Who do you people think you are? God?

My damages compound daily and you refuse my offer made in good faith that would give me a chance to recover.

This can't be my city. My state. My country that my father and grandfather served. What has it all been for?

You want me to just go away... you could achieve that by doing the right thing; the expedient thing; the fiscally responsible thing.

Instead you try to hurt me like its some sort of game to you, to see how far you can abuse your power.

I will never submit to your tyranny. I will stand up to you.

I am taking my assailants to court on October 30th in Issaquah where I will prove to a judge that what I say is true.

With that judgement in hand, I am coming for you all in November.

There are no private psychologists or psychiatrists who take State medicaid, so I am forced to use historically (and currently) inadequate public mental health services.

What do you care about that, though? You don't need them, so who cares how bad the service is or how much damage they do?

I have an appointement on Sept. 21st to intake at Valley Cities counseling, as Sound Mental Health did not work for me.

These are the only two places I can go until I can pay a private provider or afford insurance, and its a big problem.

I essentially can't get treatment because my injury prevents me from paying for care

How is this acceptable, when the City caused my injury to this extent and continues to exacerbate it?

You wouldn't accept this situation but its ok for anyone who isnt you. Hypocrites.

Who will protect me from the City of Bellevue?

I am being hurt, and I want it to stop.

I will have a chance to recover once you stop hurting me this way, and atone for the actions of the City.

You won't be able to explain away your actions to 12 reasonable citizens when they see the hell I've been through trying to get someone to be honest in the police department and city government.

You actions will horrify them as they horrify me -- every night when I sleep, and every second of the day I am awake in this world of lies.

I am not a bad person no matter what you say. I will fight as long as I can. 

I pray an ally comes to my aide before my voice is extinguished.

without regard,

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